Skunk Surprise
Holy crap. This right here is the real reason for having a blog. Couple this with my spider stories and you have an idea of the true freak show that is my life.

Sunday night at 9 pm, Brutus casually strolls to the back door. I am always at my dog's beck and call, so I jump up to let him into the back yard for a while. At 9:15 pm, I hear a sound I've never heard before. Similar to a small dog bark, but somehow I couldn't place it. "Dear God," I thought, "the neighbor's Chihuahua got into the backyard and Brutus is killing it!"
I ran to the backyard and called Brutus' name sharply. No response. I called him again and saw definite rustling near the fig tree. I ran to the vicinity, mostly afraid of what I was about to find and saw some foreign lump of fur lying near the base of the tree. I didn't have a flashlight with me and it's dark back there behind the garage, so I didn't realize what exactly was going on until Brutus began to rub his face in the grass over and over. And then I knew the awful truth: Brutus had killed a skunk.

Now, maybe you're familiar with the resultant odor of a skunk spray...perhaps you've smelled it in your neighborhood, or in your car as you drove past roadkill skunk. But let me tell you, until you've experienced it in its purest form, you have no idea what a sinister creature the skunk really is. It's like having onion juice injected directly into your tear ducts and sinuses, at least that's the best description I could come up with at that particular moment. It was not stinky, it was poisonous. I still have pain in the space behind my face from the noxious fumes. We washed with both toothpaste (an internet recommendation) and his doggie shampoo, and as far as I can tell the results were decent. But truly, after being hit with that stink bomb, my nose didn't really make much of a judge.
So today he's locked in the backyard rather than hanging out and infecting my office. Hopefully my sense of smell will have recovered by 5 pm so that I can go home and discover just how ruined he really is. And if the gods be benevolent, the neighborhood skunks have learned not to enter the Clark Family Death Zone. Because love him though I may, that dog ain't the sharpest tool in the shed.
Fear of that question almost stopped me from telling this story. I'm so embarrassed. I looked online for disposal information, called wildlife groups...could NOT find an answer. In the end I triple bagged it and put it in the trash. If you have a better suggestion, I would appreciate it. The can hasn't been picked up yet.
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